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Carbohydrates & Fiber
Carbohydrates are naturally occurring sugars, starches and fibers your pet's body uses to provide energy for all cell function and to support healthy digestion. Fibers help promote healthy digestion and can feed good bacteria in the gut.
Fats & Oils
Fats and oils are a power source for the body, providing the energy your pet needs to perform daily functions. Fatty acids support their skin and coat health.
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Healthy Enjoyment & Variety
These are those special ingredients that provide the delicious taste and enticing appearance your pet loves.
Vitamins are organic, essential micronutrients your pet needs to support metabolic functions that promote healthy growth and maintenance.
Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic nutrients your pet needs to perform essential body functions.
Amino Acid
Amino acids are organic compounds that are the building blocks of proteins in your pet's body. These amino acids are key components in building muscle, promoting growth and nervous system function.
Texture, Binder, Other Functional Ingredients
These are the functional ingredients we use to provide an enjoyable texture that encourages your pet to eat and sustain a healthy appetite. Other functional ingredients include water your pet needs for hydration and trace nutrients they need for whole body health.